Minutes of the Lake Barcroft Association - Board of Directors

The meeting of the Lake Barcroft Association (LBA) was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Sally Determan at 6425 Lakeview Drive, Falls Church, Virginia.  Those present were LBA Directors Sally Determan, Warren Russell, Cindy Waters, Jim Kilbourne, Rick Aldrich, Eva Kosztarab, Shane Oleson, Pat Payne, Diane Smalley and Betsy Washington.  Board members not present were Diane Davidson and Frank Phillippi.  Lake resident Luis Fernandez was also present.

The minutes of the November 14, 2012 meeting were approved as presented.  The agenda was reviewed.


CALENDAR REVIEW:  The calendar was reviewed.

COMMUNITY GARDEN BRIDGE PROPOSAL: Sally explained the background of the bridge study and proposal for repair, including describing the meeting at the bridge a few weeks ago by a small group.  Sally mentioned that WID would ask for bids even though this is an LBA project.  She also explained that George Waters, a member of the group, will be given an opportunity to express his opinion.  Luis made his presentation with several drawings.  He says there is no rot but some wood “creep,” he prepared a modular design for the railings to bring them to code, and stated that the bottom of the bridge is fine. Luis has prepared and submitted a written proposal. The Board thanked him for his extensive efforts.

2013 BUDGET DISCUSSION: Jim distributed a proposed draft budget with explanations to Board members for review. He mentioned that expenditures are likely to increase in water safety as well as maintenance and improvements. Extensive discussion followed including a discussion about the numbers of lifeguards needed at all the beaches.  The Board then went into Executive Session to discuss bonuses.

A motion was made by Jim Kilbourne and seconded by Pat Payne to accept the proposed draft, as amended, of the budget.  All voted in favor.

WEBSITE PROPOSAL: Shane gave an overview of the RFQ and his recommendation that the Board hire Taoti for up to $35,000, to come from the capital expense budget.

A motion was made by Shane Oleson and seconded by Warren Russell to adopt the recommendation.  All voted in favor.

OTHER OLD BUSINESS: Cindy presented the final version of the volunteer form to be printed on the back of the invoices.


PRELIMINARY AGENDA FOR ANNUAL MEETING IN FEBRUARY: Sally reminded that the Annual Membership Meeting is scheduled for February 20 and that, in her absence, Warren will chair that meeting. Warren discussed the proposed draft including asking whether Supervisor Penny Gross should be invited. All agreed on that invitation.


LEGAL: Pat plans to appear in court on December 18 concerning the recent subpoena received by LBA regarding boats sold at the auction. A trial will potentially be set in February or March. Pat recommends that we settle if we can do so for a reasonable sum and she will update the Board accordingly.  

ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY: Betsy and a small task force prepared a proposed beaver management policy and distributed it to the Board. 

A motion was made by Betsy Washington and seconded by Diane Smalley to accept the revised beaver management policy.  All voted in favor.

WATER SAFETY/BEACH MAINTENANCE: Pat discussed Kevin Hardy’s end of year report.


TREASURER: No further report.

COMMUNICATIONS & PUBLICATIONS: Shane discussed the temporary ARC form that will be posted on the website.

ARC: Rick discussed two recent applications and the updated web form

MEMBERSHIP: Cindy reported five transfers received last month.  Past due fees from one lot were collected in November and another lot is due to settle this month.

Warren informed the Board that he was not planning on having a meeting in January.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:07 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Cindy Waters, LBA Secretary

By electronic vote on January 10, 2013, the Board unanimously approved the proposed agreement between the LBA and the JEB Stuart High School Crew Team for the team's use of the lake for practice sessions during the time period of February 19 through March 16, 2013.