Minutes of the Lake Barcroft Association - Board of Directors

The meeting of the Lake Barcroft Association (LBA) was called to order at 7:32 PM by President Sally Determan at 6425 Lakeview Drive, Falls Church, Virginia.  Those present were LBA Directors Sally Determan, Warren Russell, Regina Derzon, Pat Payne, Diane Smalley, Eva Kosztarab, Frank Phillippi and Shane Oleson.  Cindy Waters, Jim Kilbourne, Diane Davidson and Betsy Washington were not present.  Water Safety Supervisor, Kevin Hardy and Lake Resident, Bob Gonzalez were also present.

The Board thanked Regina for serving on the LBA Board and wished her well.

Water Safety Supervisor Kevin Hardy summarized his report.  Weekends are busy but overall, things are running smoothly.  He reported that this is one of the best trained staffs he has ever had and he has been very pleased with them.  The majority of staff will be gone August 24 and Kevin is searching for substitute lifeguards.  This may cause amended hours on the beaches.  Beach 5 will be the first to be altered except for scheduled parties. Finances are still on target with the budget.  Three successful swim classes have taken place this season.  Phone service is better than previously. Kevin recommended replacement of ropes and buoys at some of the beaches. The $2,000 cost for these will be added to next year’s budget. He did an informal survey of pontoon boats on the lake and found that only 50% had current stickers.  Pat will work with Kevin on this. Boat training and safety rules were discussed.

The minutes of July 11, 2012 were approved as presented.


CALENDAR REVIEW:  Warren offered to chair the committee for the Service Award and Sally suggested he select the committee members.  Sally will work on selecting members for the Nominating Committee.

TRESPASSER LETTER:  Sally gave the Board an update on an offender that received a letter from her for trespassing at Beach 5.  Pat discussed her knowledge about this gentleman and the situation.  Pat said the letter was signed by the Board of Directors but there was no signature on it. 

A motion was made by Pat that when a letter goes out under the signature of the Board of Directors, it should be reviewed and approved by the Board before it is sent.  Seconded by Warren. All in favor.

Second, Pat felt a letter of clarification should be sent to the gentleman who was trespassing along with the people cc’d on the original letter to read “that if you are accompanied by a resident you may be on Lake Barcroft property without fear of being arrested.”

A motion was made by Pat and seconded by Warren that a letter of clarification be sent to the trespasser stating that if you are accompanied by a Lake Barcroft resident, you may be on LBA property without fear of being arrested.    All voted in favor.

ACTION ITEM: Pat will draft a letter, circulate among the Board and give to Sally to send out from the Board of Directors.  


WEBSITE BUDGET:  Shane distributed a report on necessary enhancements to the website and went over it.  He explained that the contractors list, directory, blogs and payment sections are limited to current owners.  Content, both old and new is an issue on the website, as is its functionality. We also need a global search function and the contractors list should have better ways to assign comments. Finally, it should be in an easy to read, horizontal format.  

He presented 3 options to the Board:

  1. Stay with Trestle Media and have them make technical and interface enhancements - $8,545 up to $10,000;
  2. Have Trestle Media just make the technical enhancements and bring in a local creative freelancer to drive interface and usability enhancements - $12,000 to $15,000 ($6,000 each); or
  3. Prepare a RFP and solicit 3 bids from full service web development firms – at a cost up to $25,000.

After much discussion, Warren said we should send out an RFP to have the website made into a fully functioning and top notch product.

A motion was made by Warren and seconded by Diane S. that Shane prepare and send out an RFP for all of our website enhancement work. All voted in favor.

Shane mentioned that he needs the March, April, June and July approved minutes to post on the website. He also mentioned that he is beginning to gear up to produce the next directory.

ACTION ITEM: Chris to send March, April, June and July minutes to Shane. 

CICB COMPLAINT RESOLUTION FORM:  Eva explained that as of September 28, 2012 under new Virginia law, we are required to have a written complaint process in place for residents who wish to challenge adverse decisions made against them by the association. The Board reviewed the complaint form she provided and agreed to adopt it.  

A motion was made by Eva and seconded by Pat to adopt the Association Complaint Form. All in favor.  

Eva will send it to Shane to post on the website along with a short explanation.


LEGAL:  Eva reported that Congressional School does not have any plans to move forward on the sale of their property and that the committee monitoring this is now in “sleep mode.” 

Lake resident Walter Buzzetta has reviewed our new insurance policies and identified several issues:  there is medical payment exclusion for athletic activities; all volunteers (including fireworks volunteers) are not covered under our general liability policy and they would not be covered under our workers compensation policy either and finally the D & O policy would also not cover Directors if they do not have adequate insurance in place, thus making Board members liable.  Eva discussed the option of having Zambelli take over the fireworks.  Kevin Howe will attend the September meeting to present his reasons for continuing with volunteers.

Eva spoke with the Parcel A owner whose grass has been planted onto the association’s common area and will be meeting with her soon.

WATER SAFETY:  Pat reported on the boat auction. Initially there were 56 boats without current stickers. However, after contacting the owners this was reduced to 19 boats which were auctioned.  Pat wanted to especially thank Chris Lawson, Kevin Hardy, George Waters and Kevin Howe for their help with the boat auction.

SPECIAL EVENTS:  Diane is working on the upcoming Labor Day games and reported that Ralph Petta has again agreed to run the event.

SECURITY:  Frank reported that the summer has gone smoothly per the police officers and their reports.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Regina reported that Jim Kilbourne will be taking over the Treasurer’s position and she will be meeting with him when he gets back from vacation.  The reserve committee will be reported on by Jim.

Warren would like a presentation and update on the Beach 5 pavilion at the September Board meeting.  Kevin Howe is the chair.

Regina Derzon resigned as Treasurer at the end of the meeting as she has moved out of Lake Barcroft.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:58 PM.