Minutes of the Lake Barcroft Association - Board of Directors

The meeting of the Lake Barcroft Association (LBA) was called to order at 7:30 PM by Vice President Warren Russell at 6425 Lakeview Drive, Falls Church, Virginia.  Those present were LBA Directors Warren Russell, Jim Kilbourne, Lee Price, Pat Payne, Betsy Washington, Eva Kosztarab, Frank Phillippi, Diane Davidson and Rick Aldrich.  Board members Sally Determan, Shane Oleson, Anne Cullather and Diane Smalley were not present.   Officer Brendan Murphy of the Fairfax Police Department Crime Prevention Unit was also in attendance.

The minutes of December 11, 2013 were approved as presented.


REVISIONS TO THE LBA BYLAWS:  Eva discussed the proposed changes that she incorporated into the draft.  The Board went through the changes meticulously and made a few more revisions.  Jim and Pat have agreed to review the final draft before it goes to the printers.

A motion was made by Lee and seconded by Frank to accept the proposed changes.  The vote was 8 yes, 1 no.  


RECENT BEACH ACTIVITY:  Fairfax County Officer Murphy discussed the arrest on Beach 1 in August 2013 that had so much publicity on Lake Link recently. Officer Murphy described the incident  and the factors that led to the arrest.

JEB STUART CREW TEAM REQUEST FOR USE OF LAKE:  Warren discussed the recent request for use of the lake by the JEB Stuart crew team.  Discussion took place and it was agreed to allow them to row again but to require payment for the port-a-potty up front and to emphasize that they must power wash their boats before entering them into the lake.

A motion was made by Jim and seconded by Betsy to approve the proposed contract with the stipulations.  All voted in favor.

SECURITY UPDATES:  Pat suggested that discussion of a possible change to the curfew policy be postponed until after election of a new Board in February and no one objected.

LBA ANNUAL MEETING:  Warren went over the draft agenda for the LBA Annual Membership meeting on February 25th.


TREASURER’S REPORT:  Jim reported that, although a few items remained to be included, it was clear that the LBA had surplus funds for 2013, which would be rolled into the reserve accounts

ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY:  Betsy has located a dog for Geese Peace that will cost LBA between $1,500 and $1,800, much less than the authorized amount.  The McManis family has agreed to keep the dog.  Holly said it would be nice to present an award to the other homeowners who had also volunteered to keep the dog.    A contract will be drafted and Betsy will work on an “eager beaver” certificate.

A motion was made by Betsy and seconded by Pat to approve going forward with the contract and certificate of appreciation to volunteers who would not be keeping the dog. All voted in favor.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted by,

Lee Price, LBA Secretary