Specific Rules for Use of Beaches for Gatherings

Before completing this application, please email the LBA Manager to verify that your requested time and beach are available.

  1. Gatherings of more than the permissible number of persons are permitted on all Lake Barcroft beaches except that (a) gatherings of more than 30 persons are permitted only on Beach 5 and (b) no gatherings on beaches 3 and 4 are permitted on weekends during the period that Fairfax County Public Schools are released for summer vacation.

  2. Reservations for gatherings must be made with the Lake Manager and the host must provide his or her name, address, lot number, telephone number, date of gathering, start and end time, number of people, beach requested (if less than 30 people) and a description of intended use/activities (e.g., swimming, volleyball) and type of gathering.  Persons seeking to reserve for a gathering should call the Lake Manager at 703-941-1927 as soon as possible to ascertain availability for selected dates. Gathering applications on the LBA web page should be utilized.

  3. Only persons whose annual fees have been paid in full are permitted to use the beaches for gatherings

  4. A $150 security deposit is required to hold a reservation. Except for cancellations because of inclement weather, the security deposit will be retained if the Lake Manager does not receive notice of gathering cancellations at least two weeks before the date for which a reservation was made.

  5. Security deposits will not be returned unless the beach area is left totally free of trash from the gathering (including, but not limited to, all decorations and picnic garbage) and all refuse is removed by the host from the area. Trash may not be left in the containers at the beach or on the street. Grills must be cleaned, and ashes removed. “Cleanliness” will be determined by the Water Safety Supervisor, his designee or other LBA agents.

  6. Beach 5 gathering hosts should be aware that on occasion electricity will not be available because of conditions that LBA cannot control. All other beaches have NO available electricity hook-ups.

  7. Gatherings of 20 or more persons will be charged as follows: $100 for 20-49 persons; $150 for 50-99 persons plus $75 extra cleaning fee for the porta-john; $200 for more than 100 persons plus $75 for cleaning fee. There is no charge for gatherings for events fewer than 20 people.

  8. Any gathering on Beach 5 where ANY swimming is contemplated requires a waterfront trained lifeguard approved by the Water Safety Supervisor at a ratio of one lifeguard for every 20 people. Hosts must provide for and/or pay for these lifeguards. The fee for LBA lifeguards is $25 per hour, per lifeguard for a minimum of 3 hours. Hosts must pay for staffing adjustments at other beaches during the normal beach hours for any gathering excess of ten people if swimming is contemplated. The Lake Manager has the right to waive the lifeguard requirement if need be.

  9. Hosts must arrange for an LBA approved lifeguard for all gatherings, even gatherings of ten or fewer at any beach during the pre and post swim season when LBA lifeguards are not normally staffed. A staffing fee will be required. If swimming is not contemplated, the Lake Manager may waive the lifeguard requirement.

  10. If you want to have alcohol at your special event, please request the Special Events Alcohol Policy document from the LBA manager and follow the specifications outlined in that document. Residents are not allowed to sell alcohol on the beaches and if there is alcohol at an event, then use of the lake for swimming, boating or wading is strictly prohibited.

  11. Arrangements to use the LBA portal johns for off-season gatherings or gatherings with more than 30 people can be made- the charge is the standard service fee of $75

  12. A gathering host must be aware that a reservation does NOT give them an exclusive right to use the beach, tables, grills or other common property features. Lake Barcroft residents and their guests may not be asked to leave because a gathering is in progress.

  13. All payments pursuant to any of the foregoing requirements shall be made in checks payable to Lake Barcroft Association, Inc., PO Box 1085, Fall Church, VA 22041.

  14. Parking for Beach 5 gatherings is limited to the lake side of Waterway and to adjacent side streets or in the parking area inside the gate by prior arrangement with the Lake Manager.

  15. Hosts anticipating 100 or more people may want to employ an off-duty police officer for crowd and traffic control. Arrangements can be made by calling the Lake Manager.

  16. All gatherings must be conducted in compliance with the Fairfax County Noise Ordinance.

  17. Gatherings may not be held outside normal beach hours without prior LBA approval.

  18. Beaches may NOT be reserved for money-making or fundraising activities except with special LBA approval from the Board of Directors.

  19. Hosts of gatherings are encouraged to arrive no more than 30 minutes in advance of their scheduled time to set up equipment.

All payments pursuant to any of the foregoing requirements must be made in checks payable to LBA or you can pay through Venmo @lakebarcroftassociation OR by sending payment through Zelle to 703-941-1927.  If you would like to pay by credit card, the Lake Manager can email you an invoice.

As approved by the LBA Board on November 10th, 2021