Lake Barcroft Community Clubs & Groups
Lake Barcroft has numerous clubs and other organizations of special interests.
Lake Barcroft Boat Sharing Program: This program facilitates the borrowing of small boats (kayaks, canoes and paddleboards) among neighbors. Boats in the program are stored at the Lake Barcroft beaches and are locked with smart padlocks that can be opened with a phone by any participant. This allows residents to enjoy our beautiful lake from the water without having to own their own boat, and also allows residents to take out guests for a paddle. There are kayaks, canoes and paddle boards to borrow at beaches 2,3 and 4. Guest life jackets are also available at beach 4. There is a $35 fee per household to cover the costs of running the program. To join, please review the rules on our website and then fill out the membership agreement form, sign the linked waiver and make your dues payment. If you are not familiar with paddling, and would like a current member to take you out on the lake the first time, we'd be happy to do so. Email with any questions.
The Newcomers' Club is a casual, fun group that provides a great way to make new friends, get to know the neighborhood and community, and participate in Lake Barcroft activities and social events. Membership is open to all Lake Barcroft residents, whether you've been here for a month, a year or a decade. Newcomers is for EVERYONE!
The Lake Barcroft Woman's Club is open to all women in the community. The club has educational and social events for members and sponsors several major seasonal events open to the entire community. Proceeds from fund-raising events go to targeted local charities. Visit the Lake Barcroft Woman's Club website at for the latest announcements about Club happenings and to become a member.
The Lake Barcroft Art League (LBAL) – Organized as a social forum for Lake Artists to meet on a monthly basis to share their art with other artists in the community. Each month several artists present and discuss their recent work. Future plans for the League include organizing exhibitions and sales for LB artists. All Lake Barcroft artists and artisans are encouraged to join. Call Louise Ziebell (703-256-2734) or Jennifer Talati (703-845-3434) for more information.
LBRC (Lake Barcroft Rainbow Club) - LBRC is an informal social group for LGBTQ+ families and their allies. Our gatherings are usually casual, socializing together at a neighbor's home or engaging in water activities on the lake. Other events involve visits to local theatres, restaurants, exhibitions, or other exciting venues. LBRC is an excellent way for neighbors to make new friends and network. Our attendance at events can be an intimate group of 6 or as large as 40 people. If you are a lake resident interested in joining us, please send us an email for information about upcoming events! We can be reached at
Lake Barcroft Village is a community-based, membership-driven organization that provides ongoing assistance and social activities for its members who wish to remain in their own homes as they grow older, living as independently as possible, and staying connected with their community. For details, please click on the heading of this paragraph or visit our website,
SEED (Service, Education, Ecology, Discovery) is a club with the mission to foster an ecologically sound and sustainable habitat for pollinating insects and other wildlife for the benefit and enjoyment of the Lake Barcroft community. Our efforts focus on stewardship of the common areas and the sharing of information about the natural environment. Activities include invasive plant removal, gardening, bird walks, and more. We share information on environmental stewardship in monthly articles for the LB Newsletter and by participating in community events. All are welcome! If you are a LB resident interested in joining us, please send an email to us at— to be added to our list serv.