Info on Subcommittee to Review Boat Rack Challenges

Tue, 11/12/2019 - 21:56 -- Sarah M. previously

Dear Lake Barcroft Community: 

The LBA Board has created a subcommittee to review some challenges we have around the boat racks on community property.  Despite having built quite a few new racks over the past decade, nearly every spot on our racks is now taken and residents are in some cases placing boats on the ground and locking them to the side of racks.  Existing challenges include not having enough space for new boats, some residents having difficulty accessing the top level of the racks, and disputes between neighbors when boats are improperly stored due to a lack of available space.  

The subcommittee would like to hear ideas from the community as to how we can best address these problems.  Some possible solutions include: 

  • limiting the number of boats each lot is allocated on the common property boat racks.
  • increasing fees to store boats on common property (perhaps involving a sliding fee scale for the more boats stored). 
  • reconstructing the older two-level boat racks and replacing them with the new three level system which allows for more boat storage.
  • encouraging the implementation of a voluntary boat sharing arrangement.

What would you suggest?  This list is meant to encourage community members to think creatively about the issue; it is not meant to be exhaustive or to indicate that the committee has already made any decisions about how to address the problem. 

If you have ideas about how the board should approach this problem, please send your comments to  The comment period will be open until January 19, 2020.  After that time, the subcommittee will review community comments and communicate next steps to the community including additional opportunities for feedback to the board.  

Thank you for your input. 

Amanda Karras

LBA Water Safety Chair