UPDATE ON LAKE CONDITIONS - Another sewer spill has occurred. Beaches 1-4 are closed. Please stay out of the water!

Tue, 06/17/2014 - 10:48 -- Sarah M. previously

UPDATE ON LAKE CONDITIONS - Another sewer spill has occurred.  Beaches 1-4 are closed until further notice.  Please stay out of the water for your saftety!

The County has informed us that about 6000 gallons of raw sewage spilled from the Sleepy Hollow Pumping Station into Holmes Run on June 16th.  This is less than the 300,000 - 400,000 gallons of sewage and stormwater runoff that spilled into the Lake from this same point during the April 30th storm, but it is nearly twice as much raw sewage as the May 16th spill from this same point and the May 19th spill from the pumping station at Beach 3.

On WID's recommendation, the LBA has decided to close all Beaches except Beach 5 which is upstream from the spill.

Test samples will be collected by the County this morning with test results expected sometime tomorrow.