Beach and Lake Water Safety Rules

1. Authority of Water Safety Personnel

Lifeguards on duty have complete authority over the beach and demarcated swimming area for which they are responsible. They may limit or deny use of these areas, or eject any unauthorized person or persons, or those violating Beach and Lake Rules. They also may act to protect the safety and welfare of those who are using the beach and swimming area in any way that is appropriate to that responsibility, but they are not responsible for any activity outside that specifically demarcated area unless such activity could reasonably be expected to threaten the welfare or safety of those using the beach and swimming area for which they are specifically responsible.

The duly authorized Water Safety Supervisor, or the person acting in place of the Water Safety Supervisor in the event of his or her absence, shall have complete authority to enforce Lake rules and regulations anywhere such enforcement is appropriate, including on the water, shoreline, boat ramps and other areas directly pertinent to Lake activity. Such enforcement shall include the right to eject unauthorized persons or those violating beach rules and to request assistance from County law enforcement officials. LBA may take legal action against trespassers, persons destroying or defacing LBA property, and persons engaged in unlawful activities on the Lake, beaches and/or other LBA properties

2. Beach Operations and General Swimming and Boating Safety Rules

LBA beach tags are required for beach use. Our lifeguards are directed to check for beach tags and to not allow individuals to use the beaches unless they are residents with a tag or guests of a resident who is accompanying them. Please remember to carry your beach tag with you even when lifeguards are not present, as security/police patrols are directed to determine whether someone is a resident based upon the possession of a beach tag.

  • Property owners/residents who have lake and beach privileges may host not more than eight (8) non-resident guests per lot at beach and swimming areas at one time. Gatherings of more than eight (8) non-resident guests must comply with the Beach Gathering Rules. The word "guest" does not include paying tenants of short-term rentals, who will be denied entry to the beaches and common areas.
  • Beach tags may not be transferred to others. However, residents may allow a non-resident baby sitter or care giver to use the resident's beach tag for accompanying Lake Barcroft residents to LBA common properties, including the beaches.

Beach Hours

Lifeguards are provided at all five (5) swimming beaches from late May through Labor Day depending on the weather and available staffing. Check with the LBA office and LBA Newsletter for actual starting days or time changes.

During beach season (between the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend and Labor Day) Lifeguard hours daily are:

  • Beaches 1 and 5: 11:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
  • Beaches 2, 3 and 4: 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.

(Lifeguard hours may be limited when Fairfax County Public Schools are in session.)

Swimming lessons and other water safety instruction may be given by LBA instructors and/or qualified off duty lifeguards. Residents are encouraged to take advantage of this inexpensive service to help assure the safety of their children, and development of water skills.

"No Lifeguard on Duty, Residents Swim at Own Risk" signs are posted at the beaches when lifeguards are not on duty. This may include during or immediately following inclement weather and when adequate lifeguard staff is unavailable.

Beach Conditions Warnings

The lifeguards may close the beach for swimming for up to 48 hours after heavy rainfalls due to possible elevated levels of bacteria and/or heavy debris. A color-coded flag system is utilized at the beaches to suggest observed water conditions.

  • Green - conditions normal; safe operations.
  • Yellow- use caution; water may contain sporadic debris and/or contain potentially higher bacteria counts due to excessive run off. Often displayed 24-48 hours after a heavy storm.
  • Red - water conditions are unsafe for swimming activities; swimming areas and access to the lake from the beach are closed. May be displayed during possible electrical storms for a period of 30 minutes after each audible thunder and/or visible lightning bolt.

Beach and Lake Rules

  • Swimming and the use of the beaches is at the swimmer's risk when lifeguards are not present.
  • Children under ten must be supervised by a Lake Barcroft resident age 14 or older or by a resident's caregiver.
  • Non-swimmers and those with weak swimming abilities must stay within chest depth of water when without the aid of a properly fitted USCG approved PFD. Inner boundary ropes and floats demarcate approximately 3ft depth of the guarded swimming area. Guardians of toddlers must stay within arm's reach of children while they use the swimming area.
  • Guarded swimming areas are demarcated with ropes, floats, and signs. These boundaries must not be crossed from either direction on the water unless there is a true         emergency. Boaters must stay 30 feet or more from the edge of the demarcated boundary whenever possible.
  • There are dangers inherent in swimming outside of demarcated and guarded beach swimming areas and can result in accidental injury or drowning. Moreover, swimming at dusk and at night is a high-rjsk activity. LBA ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR PERSONS SWIMMING OUTSIDE GUARDED DEMARCATED AREAS OR OTHERWISE UNSUPERVISED BY LBA LIFEGUARDS.
  • Swimmers outside the demarcated areas are advised to wear a bright cap, tow a visible float and/or use other visible or audible signals to alert boaters.
  • Swimming from or around docks, bulkheads and other non-beach LBA common property is PROHIBITED for the safety of all.
  • Rafts, floats or boats, may not be permanently anchored in the lake.
  • Use of rafts, inflatables, floats in the swimming areas is at the discretion of the lifeguards. No large floats or floats with oars are allowed within the demarcated swimming area. Keep floats at home on windy days! Further, lifeguards are instructed to forbid all devices that solely require air inflation for buoyancy from being used in the sections of the swimming area deeper than 3 feet and that no multi-person floats or inflatables are permitted anywhere within the swimming area. The spirit of the rule is for the safety of our residents. Floats not only provide a false sense of security, but they also obstruct the sight lines of the lifeguards who may not see swimmers behind or under floats.
  • Boating and fishing are not permitted in the swimming area.
  • Diving is not permitted in the demarcated swimming areas.
  • Loud or boisterous conduct, or conduct which is objectionable or hazardous to property owners or other users of the lake and beaches, is forbidden and may subject offenders to prosecution.
  • Except for service dogs, pets are not permitted on the sandy areas of the beaches at any time between the Friday before Memorial Day and Labor Day, and lifeguards or other persons authorized by LBA, including Fairfax County Animal Control officers, are authorized to expel persons who violate this rule. County officials are authorized to take custody of any animal found roaming LBA common properties, including the beaches.
  • Always clean up after your pet. Plastic bags are provided at the entrance to each beach. Dispose of pet waste at your home. Do not deposit animal waste in the receptacles at the beach.
  • Feeding of wildlife on the lake or in the vicinity of the beaches is not permitted.
  • Trash and refuse must be deposited in the containers provided for that purpose. The beaches and adjacent areas are to be left clean by those who use them.
  • Alcoholic beverages – except when authorized under the LBA Special Events Alcohol Policy - and camping are prohibited on the beaches and adjacent areas, and all other common properties, including parking lots. Picnicking and cooking are permitted only on the grassy area adjacent to the beaches. The grilling rules in the Common Property Rules apply.
  • Smoking on the beaches is prohibited.
  • Glass articles (other than eyeglasses or sunglasses) on beaches and other common property are prohibited.
  • Ice skating is a highly dangerous activity and all skaters on Lake Barcroft do so AT THEIR OWN RISK. LBA ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR PERSONS ON OR AROUND THE FROZEN WATERS OF THE LAKE.

3. Inherent Risks and Dangers of Recreational Waters. There are inherent risks and dangers attached to any activity in or near a body of water. Lake Barcroft is no exception. The following list constitutes some of the risks and dangers for which the LBA assumes no responsibility and, therefore, cannot be held liable. The Association maintains certain areas to which qualified lifeguards are assigned during limited times only. Some or all of the following life-threatening situations can occur even in the presence of lifeguards. A partial list of inherent risks and dangers includes:

  • Submersion due to inadequate swimming ability.
  • Heart attack, stroke or severe muscle cramps while in or near water.
  • Submersion due to injury resulting from collision with a boat, capsizing or falling overboard.
  • Submersion through thin ice.
  • Lightning strikes which make open water and beaches more dangerous.
  • Changing weather conditions.
  • Infants and young children left unattended on any lake shore, including the beaches, whether guarded or unguarded.
  • Diving from watercraft or docks without first checking water depth.
  • Irresponsible or incompetent operation of watercraft by adults and by children too young to handle this responsibility.
  • Swimming or operating watercraft while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Changing bottom conditions and depth with poor visibility.
  • Entanglement in submerged rocks, aquatic vegetation, structures or debris.
  • Bites, stings, rashes or other skin irritations from wildlife or aquatic organisms

Approved July 10, 2024