
April 30, 2021
These guidelines, approved by the LBA Board of Directors in December 2019, outline the conditions un
October 23, 2020
Here are the presentations from the Lake Barcroft Fall Civic Affairs Meeting: Andrew Casolini Dal Bo - Here
August 25, 2020
Read the Lake Barcroft Association's Non-Discrimination Policy here.
June 27, 2020
1. Fishing Fishing in or around our swimming areas ANYTIME is dangerous to others!
June 13, 2020
  Please see information regarding the LBA playgrounds re-opening here.  You must be logged in to read this information.
May 10, 2020
Lake Barcroft beaches are PRIVATE.
November 12, 2019
Dear Lake Barcroft Community: 
March 22, 2019
From Janet Kerley, President, Lake Barcroft Board of Directors  Please see Master Plan here.
March 22, 2019
Yesterday morning there was a diesel fuel spill in the Merrifield area that has reportedly resulted in some amount getting into the ground and into the Holmes Run stream.  The LBWID and LBA are communicating with local and state officials to get m